Today is Blue Demon Challenge: Give Now!

Global Engagement

DePaul University's Global Engagement division is the hub for all of DePaul’s international efforts and supports the work of five distinct teams: Study Abroad, Curriculum Internationalization, International Student Success, International Students and Scholars, and the English Language Academy. The division is charged with infusing everything we do at DePaul with global perspectives by engaging students and faculty in a variety of programs, from study abroad experiences to virtual exchange projects. The division supports international students in their entire DePaul journey from pre-arrival orientation, to immigration advising, language support, and career exploration. Global Engagement also actively supports students displaced by conflict, political strife, global crises and forced migration. 

Help us face the current and future global crises by contributing to the Displaced Student Fund challenge to support the cost of attendance for students unable to pursue or continue studies in their homeland due to conflict, humanitarian crises, and displacement.

Displaced Student Fund Challenge: When 50 people donate to the Displaced Students Fund, an anonymous donor will give $10,000!

Your contribution to the Study Abroad Scholarships challenge will allow us to continue our strategic awarding of aid to first generation college students, students with high rates of financial need, and students from minoritized groups, to allow them to take part in study abroad programs.

Study Abroad Scholarship Challenge: When 10 people donate to the Fund for Study Abroad, an anonymous donor will give $5,000!

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Study Abroad Challenge
Study Abroad Challenge
When 10 people donate to the Fund for Study Abroad, an anonymous donor will give $5,000!
6 / 10 Donors
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Displaced Students Challenge
Displaced Students Challenge
When 50 people donate to the Displaced Students Fund, an anonymous donor will give $10,000!
10 / 50 Donors
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Help us unlock a $200,000 reward!