Blue Demon Challenge has ended, but you can still make a difference for DePaul students with your gift today! Click here to give!
Multicultural Student Engagement
Today is Blue Demon Challenge: Give Now!

Diversity is a core value at DePaul. Faculty, staff and students come to DePaul, and to every interaction at DePaul, with their unique history, experience and culture, and those unique perspectives are recognized as infinitely valuable.  All departments work to support diversity among the student population at DePaul and help educate students about how diversity enriches the institution and each person’s experience here. In particular, the Office of Multicultural Student Success (OMSS), which encompasses three identity-specific student centers, as well as an intersectional identity coordinator and a point person for undocumented students, ensures that all students at DePaul feel welcome. 

The OMSS Cultural and Resource Centers provide holistic support to DePaul students with intersecting socio-cultural identities, striving to foster a sense of belonging, academic success, and purposeful programming that strengthens students’ cultural and social development while deepening the understanding of these socio-cultural realities in the entire DePaul community. They include the APIDA Cultural Center, the Black Cultural Center, the Latinx Cultural Center and the LGBTQIA Resource Center. 

Your gift to multicultural student engagement during the Blue Demon Challenge provides support for students at the heart of DePaul’s mission. During Blue Demon Challenge, your gift to the Office of Multicultural Student Success can go even further:

  • LGBTQIA+ Resource Center Challenge: When 15 people make a gift to the LGBTQIA+ Resource Center, Anne Marie Dornoff (LAS '14) will donate $1,500!
LGBTQIA+ Resource Center Challenge
Unlocked! $1,500 from Anne Marie Dornoff (LAS ' 14)!
15 / 15 Donors
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